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Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2020

My experience Writing Blogs

Hi everyone, today i will talk to you about my experience writing blogs and learning english at the university. I think in the university we come back to the school english in a way, but we explore it from another perspective, a mature one. Because it's not about paying attention to the blackboard and write a list of sentences like a machine, we talk about it with our schoolmates and we stablish a dialogue. We share our perspective about actual things, like the pandemic or the bad administration of the government of Sebastián Piñera. I like the way we use blogs, because we must share our perspectives and dreams but in english. For me it's a challenge. Personally i understand english, but sometimes it's kind of difficult to express myself. I used to say i can obey in english but i was'nt able to stablish a dialogue.  I need to improve an active part on my english. Think i will talk more or download duolingo. I use english everyday for some technicism of my carreer (desig

A photo i like

  Hi, in this post i want to show you a photo i like.  Her name is Mona, and she is my kitty. She is a beautiful cat. She seems like a weird combination between a raccon and a squirrel, but she also walk like a penguin. The picture shows her resting like a human being over the sofa. The picture was taken by my sister Macarena  in 2019. I think it was in the winter because she's wearing a vest cause' of the low temperature.  i remember she was watching tv with my sister and she seems very relaxed. I really like this photography because i think it's fullfiled of tenderness, i mean watch it, it's a cat wearing a polar vest while is resting like a baby. Also i love her paws, they were so cute. Every time i watch this picture i feel invaded by a hapiness feeling.  Well, that was my picture, thank for reading :)

Brand for Bands

In the future, I would like to work making branding for bands. I think it's very interesting how graphic design helps to communicate the music. Because you have to translate the musical language (and the statetment of the band) by making it visual. Other reason because i would like to do it it's because i enjoy to listening music. It's amazing how music make us remember things from the past, and we have music for every mood and taste today. I think that a great album cover will make a song or an album more unforgetable. For a job like that you need to be able to communicate visualy. You should know about photograpy, typography, lettering, illustration, collage, or anything that could help you. It always depends on the context and the cirscunstances anyway. Another skill you need is emphaty, because you need to understand to the musician (s) and their fans. in the same way, you need to be able to make the right questions before you start designing. If you do the right questi